jeudi 4 juillet 2013


Ben Hanbury / Flickr

A true son of his mother Africa
An inspirational and true legend to all even in America
Sacrificed his time and priorities for the sake of others
Gave his best and never was selfish in serving
Then attracted the attention of authors
Thus an exemplary and fantastic person, honor deserving

A dragon is more easily defeated than an angel
You gave your best shot and succeeded thus an angel
No doubt the current situation conquered it will be
An ambitious, courageous character you are the great Madiba
Who will forget your achievements and contribution
Together we are in the difficult time you are in

The world stood still at the breaking of the news
Confusion, despair and sadness arose in us
However, hope in great amount we have
Prayers for you we offer daily to God above
The Lord with you, never will he let you go this earlier
Like a lightning flash, the trouble will disappear

They say – anything that has a beginning has an end
The whatever illness is troubling you has an end
Everyone around anywhere wishes you a quick recovery
Hoping to see you strong, alive, kicking and merry
Back to your feet and walk around the streets inspiring the world
That the wish hoping to come true indeed

Everyone stand! A round of applause to the great Nelson Mandela.

Eric Mayombo

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