dimanche 1 septembre 2013


If you were Karate or kung-Fu
I would travel to China
Get trained in martial arts and achieve black belt
Ensuring the unity of your soul and mine
Making the intimacy and love strong

If you were honey in a beehive
Nothing would stop me from harvesting you from it
Then storing you in a cool and dry place protecting you from deleterious agents
Your safety would always be my command and your delicious taste would
Force me never to allow any intrusion

If and yes if you were a missing a treasure
I would not rest until you were found
Day and night rarely immobile, in fact always on the move
Carefree of the sharp stones and sharp vegetation in pursuit of your location
The desire to hold you and feel your comfort and value
Would be the priority never to be taken for granted

If you were a hostage in a bank being victimized by bank robbers
I would share with you the pain while trying all the options to rescue you
Even though playing hero game is so dangerous
That would be my hobby and interest
Never would I stand like a watching dog seeing you suffer
The likes of Chuck Norris, Jet Li and others
Would discover from me new rescue techniques that had never been tried before
My blood boils all the time longing for you, hence
The rebels would face difficulties and inconveniences for holding
Hostage a wrong person

If you were in the category of food
Pizza would definitely be your identity
Producing sweet smell to my pleasure thus loving every single moment with you
Haters would always be available, the flies and other related ones
But my full security and protection would be a guarantee ensuring your
Safety to preserve and keep you for myself forever
Mortality a senseless word to me for our union cares less of the word
Our love would always flourish to the disgust of many
Even after death, the story would remain the same, you and I
Mortality exists not in our world

If you were to get married
Darling would be the word to identify me
You were destined to be mine and no one else
Every time I close my eyes, I see you together with me
Treasuring our every minute
Allowing no disturbances from intruders so then ensuring the
Continuity of our bond and camaraderie

Without any further due, if I were, yes If I were
If I were a landlord and you were a tenant
You would reside in the most expensive apartment for free
Why would I demand house rent?
Your beauty would be enough to satisfy my financial demands
Making me feel like the richest man on Earth
Whenever I would see you walking in the premises
While men bump into each other and the beer takers pouring the beer on
My day would be made upon recognizing how attractive, gorgeous and
attention snatcher you are
Giving me the motivation and enthusiasm to cling on to you

If I were a rock star in the music industry
You would not struggle in strive to become a groupie like the others
I would turn you into a wonderful celebrity
Winning the spotlight of the paparazzi and the public
Your name would always be on my lips in my music
This for sure is no joke neither is a hyperbole because I am a man of my words
Popularity and fame would always be on your shoulder
If only you agree to make a record of being my one in a million
Travelled to different parts of the world in quest for the one
Never could I spot the truth of the one for me until now

If you allow me into your life and make my wish come true
Hence actualizing my dream, regret won’t be suspected in your life
I will carry the world for you and ensure that joy and happiness are
your identities
Transforming you into the happiest lady in the world
If you accept the proposal and become the one

If, if, If you were mine

Eric Mayombo

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