lundi 24 juin 2013


Just imagine yourself in such a situation!
Imagine yourself between the hammer and the anvil
Swimming in mud and dust; feet to the doors of the abyss.
Imagine one day, a bomb falls on your palace
And creates a bloodbath all around;
Imagine that one day your playground turns into a cemetery;
Where the local bar becomes a site of desolation and tears.
Imagine the soft music that caressed your soul disappears
And instead, you hear the noise of boots and the crackle of Kalashnikovs.
Will you accept to stay and die or choose to flee to stay alive?

Imagine one morning, armed executioners arrive at your door,
Hitting you soundly without sparing your mother, your father and your whole family.
Imagine that under threat of death
You are forced to have sex with your own mother;
That with your eyes you see an ugly duckling deflower your sister of nine years old
Caressing her with a bayonet.
Imagine one day that you see people without a heart assaulting a woman who is nine months pregnant
Will you accept to stay there to see the same people go unpunished and inherit the throne?
Or will you go somewhere else be rid of the trauma to come back with a new spirit?
Imagine one day you're a victim of tribal conflicts and one morning your whole family is burned alive;
Imagine that due to religious belief or because of political affiliations, people are guillotined and beheaded.
Will you accept to wait your turn or run to save your life?

Imagine one day because of your opinions, because of a poem or a song denouncing inequality and misdeeds of a corrupt regime;
And in the end, the government pursues you for your disruptions
Running the risk of disappearing into the wild without leaving a trace
Or being imprisoned and then being released with poison in your body.
Will you stubbornly accept this and wait for death or will you flee until the regime changes to return home with to a country worthy of pride?

Imagine a sudden situation arises and steals all your wealth to make you a little beggar.

If it happened to others, it can happen to you too.

Those who mourn today laughed like you yesterday!
Those who beg today were rich like you yesterday!
Those who die of hunger today threw food in the trash like you yesterday!
Those who sleep outside today had a comfortable home like you yesterday!
But from the summit where they were, the lightning of the human wickedness reached them and buried them in the margins of society!

Just imagine yourself in such a situation!

Trésor Nzengu

mardi 18 juin 2013


John D / Picasa

The day I was born 
Unhappy day it was
I heard
My first cry gaining attention
Name coming from the unknown
Growing into a lady
A fountain of joy in me
Getting the personality of childish
Attraction believing to be a talent
Beauty not at ease
19th birthday in years
Single shining high
Surrounded by criminals atmospheric launch
But at least not getting any
Sorrow not taking part on my day
Sinyosquare making two
Happiness abound
Jealous people step down
For us to last T G K
That’s it that's us
Coming out of nothing
But soon will be something
Running in streets everywhere
Spreading the good news
Being proud to be something that only God knows.

Mercy Ilunga