mardi 2 avril 2013


If it were not for your words
Christian faith would die
Get torn apart, disappear into thin air
However you brought light
Conquering all evil dark forces
Releasing to the world the truth
The truth to set people free.

St. Patrick the devoted one
Here are your qualities
Kind and generous
Brave and courageous
Died but with Christ in you
The second death powerless unto you

Many souls you won for the Lord
The deceivers themselves believed
The lost got found
The Gospel reached the world’s end
Your words and attractive sound
Attracted most to the Lord

What else can I say?
They would have gone astray
But you showed the way
The way to the Father
They believed and got saved
The Lord was praised

Oh! Patrick the Lord’s saint
The chosen shepherd
Leading the lamb to God
Blessings and peace unto you
The Lord so proud of you
Rôle model to all.

Eric Mayombo
15 March 2013

Performed at MADSoc Theatre, Lilongwe 16 March 2013